AP DSC 2024 Child Development and Pedagogy Mock Test

Child development and Pedagogy

Inclusive education refers to a school education system that

Question 1 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

he statement “Majority of the people are average, a few very bright and a few very dull “is based on the established principle of

Question 2 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

According to Piaget, the limitations of animism and egocentrism are observed in following stage.

Question 3 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

Artistes, Sculptors and designers have more intilligence in one of the following areas called ...............

Question 4 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

Self-placed learning is possible in ..............

Question 5 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

Gifted students will realize their potential when

Question 6 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

The major frustration  that children with hearing loss face in the classroom is

Question 7 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

A teacher in a multi-cultural classroom would ensure that the assessment considers the following :

Question 8 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

What is a major criticism of Kohlberg’s theory?

Question 9 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

According to Vygotsky, zone of proximal development is

Question 10 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

The following test is not included in the subsets of differential aptitude tests.

Question 11 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

A teacher can effectively respond to the needs of children from ‘disadvantaged sections’ of society by

Question 12 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

A teacher dictating words for spelling and Anita correcting Radha's spellings is called as..............

Question 13 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

The deficiency of amino acid phenylalanine leads to one of the following mental disabilities.

Question 14 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

How can a teacher help children become better problem solvers?

Question 15 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

According to theories of motivation, a teacher can enhance learning by

Question 16 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

A teacher wants to ensure that her students are motivated intrinsically. She would

Question 17 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

Which one of the following statements best summarizes the relationship between development and learning as proposed by Vygotsky?


Question 18 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

A teacher always helps her learners link the knowledge they have derived in one subject areas with the knowledge from other subject areas. This helps to promote

Question 19 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

Creativity is usually associated with

Question 20 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

The process in which the sensory orgas convert information into code language to store easily and recollect when required is called ..............

Question 21 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

Piaget proposes that pre-operational children tire unable to conserve. He attributes this inability to which one of the following factors?

Question 22 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

A good text – book avoids

Question 23 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

Dyslexia students will realize their potential when

Question 24 of 25

Child development and Pedagogy

Which one of the following assessment practices will bring out the best in students?

Question 25 of 25


*Note: ప్రతి పరీక్షలో మీరు కొత్త ప్రశ్నలతో పరీక్షను ఎదుర్కోవలసి ఉంటుంది, కాబట్టి మాక్ టెస్ట్ -1, మాక్ టెస్ట్ -2 మరియు మొదలైనవి సృష్టించాల్సిన అవసరం లేదు, పరీక్షను పూర్తి చేసి పేజీ రిఫ్రెష్ చేయండి , ఇదే ప్రాక్టీస్ టెస్ట్ మీకు కొత్త / వేరే ప్రశ్నలతో మొదలవుతుంది.