AP DSC 2025 School Assistant (SA) Social Studies Mock Test

  • General Knowledge & Current Affairs
  • General Knowledge Telugu Medium
  • English
  • Social Studies EM
  • Telugu
  • Methodology

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

1. A Project should not have

Question 1 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

2. Kunchikal Falls are located in the following District of Karnataka

Question 2 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

3. One of the following is contrary in relation to NCF 2005

Question 3 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

4. A Parrot Astrologist Trained his Parrot to Pick the card only when he moves his right hand.  But the parrot started picking cards even other moved their right hand. But the parrot started picking cards even other moved their right hand. This is due to

Question 4 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

5. Following is not related to non-directive counselling

Question 5 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

6. The 3rd Step in Observational Learning is

Question 6 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

7. By Watching the model of Cone, Ramu is able to draw cone in different angles. But in the absence of model of cone he is unable to draw the cone. According to the piaget he is in

Question 7 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

8. Satish is not interested in doing homework and at the same time he doesn’t want to receive punishment from class teacher. The conflict of satish is

Question 8 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

9. In one school children are learning science by doing experiments on their own. Then their memory is

Question 9 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

10. One of the following is an overlapping stage

Question 10 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

11. The following book is treated as a milestone in experimental Psychology

Question 11 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

12. Sankar unable to answer the question in an Interview. Shankar started weeping in the interview hall like a child. This defence Mechanism is related to

Question 12 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

13. Total Number of Gold Medals won by India in 17th Asian Games are

Question 13 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

14. As per RTE 2009 The minimum number of working days specified for class 6 to 8 are

Question 14 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

15. Following is not related to the computer aided learning as introduced in Primary schools

Question 15 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

16. Nishant while preparing for examination first studied Hindi and then Sanskrit. In Hindi Examination he is able to recollect only Sanskrit. This is due to

Question 16 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

17. Gopal Learned Vocal Music. Now he wants to learn swimming. Here the transfer of learning is

Question 17 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

18. Maslow called the needs necessary for the survival of human beings as

Question 18 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

19. In Experimental Method Controlled group means

Question 19 of 100

General Knowledge & Current Affairs

20. A school management has conducted selection test for admission of a student into 7th class as per RTE 2009, they should be punished with a penalty of

Question 20 of 100

General Knowledge Telugu Medium

21. The famous ‘Kalighat Paiintings’ belong to following state

Question 21 of 100


22. Why did the conductor allow the bus to continue its journey?

Question 22 of 100


23. Identify the correct sentence


Question 23 of 100


24. Identify the sentence which contains a Gerund

Question 24 of 100


25. Which of the following words does not come under medicinal plants?

Question 25 of 100


26. Identify the correct question tag for the statement

I've met you before......

Question 26 of 100


27. What do you say when you see a man who is 8 feet tall?

Question 27 of 100


28. New English Textbook materials are for..............

Question 28 of 100


29. Identify the correct statement on teaching reading in English

Question 29 of 100


30. Who showed love for the members of Ravi's Family?

Question 30 of 100


31. Read the following Passage

A Passenger, named Ravi was travelling from Shimla to Delhi, He had a box of 30 Apples in his luggage. The conductor asked him to pay for the luggage (Apples). Ravi Argued that the apples were given to him by his friend in shimla for the members of his family. He also said they were not for sale in Delhi.

The conductor did not listen. He insisted on payment of Rs 100 as luggage fare. Ravi repeated his argument. The conductor repeated his demand, stopped the bus and asked ravi to get off.

Just then a clever passenger took Ravi's Permission and distributed the apples to third party passengers on the bus. The dispute ended. The conductor could not say anything but start the bus.

When the bus reached Delhi, The passengers put all the apples into the box and ravi took them home.

Now answer the following questions correctly to show your comprehension.

why did the conductor ask ravi to buy a luggage ticket? Because he thought......

Question 31 of 100


32. Identify the correct word that can fill in the blank in the sentence.

The miller ......... his son onto the donkey

Question 32 of 100


33. Identify the correct set of words to complete the sentence

This is the book .............

Question 33 of 100


34. Identify the correct statement in English Language teaching.

Oral Presentation must be followed by..........

Question 34 of 100


35. Read the sentence

I can Recall those happy events

The word underlined shows


Question 35 of 100


36. In the deductive method of teaching Grammer The teacher..........


Question 36 of 100

Social Studies EM

37. A Social studies teacher organized a field trip to charminar, Because ..................

Question 37 of 100

Social Studies EM

38. The main object of Mohammad Ghazni frequent raids on India is.......

Question 38 of 100

Social Studies EM

39. Isopleth or Maps drawn for the months of January and July explains the general characteristics of ................

Question 39 of 100

Social Studies EM

40. The Russian Revolution of 1917 conferred on working class............

Question 40 of 100

Social Studies EM

41. The establishment of Panchayat Raj System is provided by............

Question 41 of 100

Social Studies EM

42. Curriculum is a medium through which Pupils make an effort to achieve objectives of education because .....................

Question 42 of 100

Social Studies EM

43. Aim of teaching social studies at the secondary stage is to ...............

Question 43 of 100

Social Studies EM

44. One of the following indicates the farthest position of the eath from sun.

Question 44 of 100

Social Studies EM

45. The lower layers of the atmosphere are heated by one of the following.

Question 45 of 100

Social Studies EM

46. All types of Material remains comes under..........

Question 46 of 100

Social Studies EM

47. "The Range of enquiry becomes restricted to that part of social welfare that can be brought directly or indirectly into relation with the measuring rod of money" who said the statement?

Question 47 of 100

Social Studies EM

48. Ajanta and Ellora caves are associated with ............

Question 48 of 100

Social Studies EM

49. In India Southwest monsoon winds blow only in one of the following seasons.

Question 49 of 100

Social Studies EM

50. According to V.A. Smith the chalukyan migrated to India from ...............

Question 50 of 100

Social Studies EM

51. Community is a treasure house of rich and varied sources. It is the most important source for the education of the child especially in social studies as .............

Question 51 of 100

Social Studies EM

52. The content of all continents in the world is given only in a class IX social studies text book. The method of Curriculum organization followed here is .............

Question 52 of 100

Social Studies EM

53. Classroom management expresses a business like and orderly approach to the teaching - learning situation to ............

Question 53 of 100

Social Studies EM

54. When total utility is maximum marginal utility ..........

Question 54 of 100

Social Studies EM

55. The Primary cause for the outbreak of the American Revolution is..............

Question 55 of 100

Social Studies EM

56. The chief aim of teaching social studies is to develop students into .............

Question 56 of 100

Social Studies EM

57. The Inscription of Uttaramerur was found in the district of ..........

Question 57 of 100

Social Studies EM

58. One of the following described that the city of Vijayanagar has seven rings of Fortification.

Question 58 of 100

Social Studies EM

59. Who defined money as "anything which is widely accepted in payment for goods or in discharge of other kinds of business obligation"?

Question 59 of 100

Social Studies EM

60. Truman Doctrine was a Proposal to........

Question 60 of 100

Social Studies EM

61. How many public sector industries were reserved as per the report of rangarajan committee on disinvestment of shares 1993?

Question 61 of 100

Social Studies EM

62. Total foodgrain production in AP during the year 2008 - 2009 is .........

Question 62 of 100

Social Studies EM

63. The life insurance companies were nationalized during the ministership of ................

Question 63 of 100

Social Studies EM

64. One of the following is considered to be the base for modern communism.

Question 64 of 100

Social Studies EM

65. Social studies IXth class answer scripts were evaluated individually by 3 teachers Rama, Catherine and Jilani. Students got different scores in each evaluation. Here the deficiency of the test is ........

Question 65 of 100

Social Studies EM

66. The Cannons and guns in Indian warfare were introduced by..........

Question 66 of 100

Social Studies EM

67. One of the following is the most populated country in African continent.

Question 67 of 100

Social Studies EM

68. The universal declaration of Human Rights is approved by one of the following organs of UNO on 10th December 1948

Question 68 of 100

Social Studies EM

69. Nepal is deriving some benefits from one of the following Indian Projects.

Question 69 of 100

Social Studies EM

70. Counter line associates one of the following.

Question 70 of 100

Social Studies EM

71. One of the following denotes the distance between earth and sun in Million Kilometers

Question 71 of 100

Social Studies EM

72. In View of Hobson one of the main features of Captalism is ................

Question 72 of 100

Social Studies EM

73. One of the following is NOT the advantage of Microteaching.

Question 73 of 100

Social Studies EM

74. The beginning of modern age in Europe put an end to..........

Question 74 of 100

Social Studies EM

75. The District Judges are appointed by one among the following

Question 75 of 100

Social Studies EM

76. The Caucasian Mountains lie Between ..........

Question 76 of 100

Social Studies EM

77. Of all the different factors which influence the quality of education and its contribution to national development the quality competence and character of teachers and undoubtedly the most significant because .............

Question 77 of 100

Social Studies EM

78. If students collect pictures and writings of king 'sri Krishnadevaraya' and 'Ashtadiggajas' the object achieved is .......


Question 78 of 100

Social Studies EM

79. The nonaligned conference held at Djakarta felt the need for reducing the political supremacy of..............


Question 79 of 100

Social Studies EM

80. The following test item is prepared by a social studies teacher. Find the mistake done by the teacher.

Which of the following is not a fundamental right?

a) Right to equality

b) Right to freedom and independency

c) Right to religion

d) Right to culture and heritage

Question 80 of 100

Social Studies EM

81. One of the following Planets moves on its own axis at a speed of 1610 Km/hr

Question 81 of 100

Social Studies EM

82. In Ancient times the area called 'Brahmavartha' was located b/w these rivers

Question 82 of 100

Social Studies EM

83. One of the following tax is NOT Collect by the central government.

Question 83 of 100

Social Studies EM

84. Thane and Mumbai are related one of the following in the context of ........

Question 84 of 100

Social Studies EM

85. The Policy of appointing only Europeans in all best jobs was first adopted by.............

Question 85 of 100

Social Studies EM

86. One of the following rivers originates at lake Victoria

Question 86 of 100

Social Studies EM

87. One of the aims of the National Population Policy 2000-2010 is to reduce infant mortality rate below ....................... per one thousand live births.

Question 87 of 100

Social Studies EM

88. Social studies content is only a framework of suggested topics suited to different ages or stages as .........

Question 88 of 100

Social Studies EM

89. Formula for Consumer's equilibrium is ..............

Question 89 of 100


90. ఒక జాతి ప్రాక్తన సంస్కృతి కంపించేది

Question 90 of 100


91. విశ్వవిఖ్యాతిగాంచిన 'విష్ణుశర్మ' కథాకావ్యం

Question 91 of 100


92. ఉర్దూ నుంచి తెలుగులో కి వచ్చిన 'ఖబు' లేదా 'గాబు' అనే పదానికి అర్ధము

Question 92 of 100


93. 'పర్వం' పదానికి గల నానార్ధాలలో ఒకటి

Question 93 of 100


94. 'తెలుగు' అనే పదాన్ని మొట్టమొదటిగా ప్రయోగించిన వ్యక్తి

Question 94 of 100


95. పై ప్యారా లో ఉపమాలంకారాలు ముఖ్యంగా మాలోపనులు అనేవి

Question 95 of 100


96. గద్యం కవులకు నికషోపలం అని ప్రసిద్ధి ఇక్కడ ఉపలము అనే పదానికి అర్ధము

Question 96 of 100


97. తిక్కన పద్యాన్ని మలచిన విధం

Question 97 of 100


98. తెలుగులో వ్యవహారంలో ఉన్న 'ఏకవీడు' అన్నపదం ఏ బాషా పదం

Question 98 of 100


99. రాష్ట్ర విద్య ప్రణాళిక చట్టం - 2011 ను రూపొందించడానికి తయారు చేసిన ఆధార పత్రాలెన్ని

Question 99 of 100


100. విద్యార్థుల నిజాయితీ అభిరుచులు తెలుసుకోవడానికి ఉపయోగపడు మూల్యకన సాధనం

Question 100 of 100


*Note: ప్రతి పరీక్షలో మీరు కొత్త ప్రశ్నలతో పరీక్షను ఎదుర్కోవలసి ఉంటుంది, కాబట్టి మాక్ టెస్ట్ -1, మాక్ టెస్ట్ -2 మరియు మొదలైనవి సృష్టించాల్సిన అవసరం లేదు, పరీక్షను పూర్తి చేసి పేజీ రిఫ్రెష్ చేయండి , ఇదే ప్రాక్టీస్ టెస్ట్ మీకు కొత్త / వేరే ప్రశ్నలతో మొదలవుతుంది.