KVS 3rd Class Books 2025 Download for Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 3 Textbooks 2025 with Study & Learning Material for Mother Language, Mathematics, English, General Awareness, Environmental Science (EVS), Health & Physical Education, General Knowledge (GK), Art & Craft, Hindi, Computer Education and etc, Download KVS Class 3 Books 2025 for Hand Books, Workbook, Teacher’s Manual Download at https://kvsangathan.nic.in…
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has announced the Elementary Education and Primary School Textbooks with Workbooks along with all practice and learning material for Class 3 / STD-3 Students located at all regional schools working under the board. As per the reports announced on the board’s main portal, there are 1235 schools functioning in all regions in the Country.
The government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), has distributed KVS 3rd Class Books 2025 with all other Study materials to all eligible students under the free textbooks scheme. The KV Sangathan, an autonomous body affiliated with CBSE, will distribute the Learning Material for Handbooks, Workbooks, and Teacher’s Manuals before the class commitment to all regional students in subjects for National and Regional languages as per their syllabus.

KVS 3rd Class Textbooks 2025 Subject wide Names and Codes (*All Subjects)
A list of textbook names with Subject Codes is published at the main and regional portals of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. Every English, Hindi, and Urdu medium student can check the book’s details subject-wise for all regions. Here, we have also shared the KVS 3rd Class Books 2025 with Names and subject Codes along with Notebook details.
English | Marigold-3 | Four Ruled – 4 |
Hindi | Rimjhim-3 | Double Ruled -4 |
Maths | Math Magic-3 | Square / Check Ruled -4 |
EVS | Looking Around-3 | Four Ruled –1, Double Ruled -3 |
Drawing | – | Plain Drawing Notebook – 1 |
Music | – | Long & Single Ruled -4 |
We have advised everyone to contact their responsible Vidyalaya Principal to get complete book information and study material, especially for their child’s Class III level elementary education.
KVS 3rd Class Books 2025 Download for eBook / PDF Book / Flipbook *All Subject
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has provided the direct link to download KVS STD-3 Books 2025 for Textbooks, Notebooks, Workbooks, Handbook, flipbook for all regional students of the board, here we have shared simple steps to download just follow…
- Visit KV Sangathan’s official website at https://kvsangathan.nic.in.
- Select the Publication option located on the main menu of the portal.
- Choose the textbooks option from the main menu and proceed.
- Now you have reached the main page of KVS Textbooks 2025 Download.
- Select your course like STD-3, choose a subject name, and select a book name from the list.
- Proceed with a download link and select the book’s format, such as PDF/eBook/flipbook, etc.
That’s it. You have successfully downloaded all subject textbooks in electronic digital format (eBooks / PDF Books). You can copy the textbooks onto any supported device to study digitally or print or Xerox them to bind a book.
Follow the direct links to download KVS Class-III Textbooks 2025 to all regional students of the board
KVS 3rd Class English Medium Books 2025 (All Regions) Curriculum PDF Download
KVS 3rd Class Hindi Medium Books & Curriculum 2025 (All Regions)
KVS 3rd Class Urdu Medium Books & Curriculum 2025 for (All Regions)
KVS 3rd Class English Marigold Books 2025 (Marigold)
- Unit 1: 1. Good Morning
- Unit 1: 2. The Magic Garden
- Unit 2: 1. Bird Talk
- Unit 2: 2. Nina and the Baby Sparrows
- Unit 3: 1. Little by Little
- Unit 3: 2. The Enormous Turnip
- Unit 4: 1. Sea Song
- Unit 4: 2. A Little Fish Story
- Unit 5: 1. The Balloon Man
- Unit 5: 2. The Yellow Butterfly
- Unit 6: 1. Trains
- Unit 6: 2. The Story of the Road
- Unit 7: 1. Puppy and I
- Unit 7: 2. Little Tiger, Big Tiger
- Unit 8: 1. What’s in the Mailbox?
- Unit 8: 2. My Silly Sister
- Unit 9: 1. Don’t Tell
- Unit 9: 2. He is My Brother
- Unit 10: 1. How Creatures Move
- Unit 10: 2. The Ship of the Desert
KVS Books for Class 3 (STD-3 हिंदी मध्यम)
- पाठ 1: कक्कू
- पाठ 2: शेखीबाज़ मक्खी
- पाठ 3: चाँद वाली अम्मा
- पाठ 4: मन करता है
- पाठ 5: बहादुर बित्तो
- पाठ 6: हमसे सब कहते
- पाठ 7: टिपतिपवा
- पाठ 8: बंदर बाँट
- पाठ 9: अक्ल बड़ी या भैंस
- पाठ 10: क्योंजीमल और कैसे कैसलिया
- पाठ 11: मीरा बहन और बाघ
- पाठ 12: जब मुझे साँप ने काटा
- पाठ 13: मिर्च का मजा
- पाठ 14: सबसे अच्छा पेड़
- पाठ 15: पेड़ पत्ते ही पत्ते
KVS 3rd Class Maths Books 2025 (Maths Magic English Medium)
- Chapter 1: Where to Look From
- Chapter 2: Fun with Numbers
- Chapter 3: Give and Take
- Chapter 4: Long and Short
- Chapter 5: Shapes and Designs
- Chapter 6: Fun with Give and Take
- Chapter 7: Time Goes On…
- Chapter 8: Who is Heavier?
- Chapter 9: How Many Times?
- Chapter 10: Play with Patterns
- Chapter 11: Jugs and Mugs
- Chapter 12: Can we Share?
- Chapter 13: Smart Charts!
- Chapter 14: Rupees and Paise
KVS 3rd Class Maths हिंदी मध्यम Books 2025 (गणित का जादू)
- अध्याय 1: देखें किधर से
- अध्याय 2: संख्याओं की उछल कूद
- अध्याय 3: कुछ लेना कुछ देना
- अध्याय 4: क्या लंबा क्या छोटा
- अध्याय 5: आकृतिओं का कमाल
- अध्याय 6: लेन देन का खेल
- अध्याय 7: समय समय की बात
- अध्याय 8: कौन किससे भारी?
- अध्याय 9: बोलो भाई कितने गुना?
- अध्याय 10: पैटर्न की पहचान
- अध्याय 11: जग मग, जग मग
- अध्याय 12: कैसे-कैसे बाँटे?
- अध्याय 13: स्मार्ट चार्ट!
- अध्याय 14: रुपए और पैसे
KVS 3rd Class EVS Books 2025 (Looking Around)
- Chapter 1. Poonam’s Day out
- Chapter 2. The Plant Fairy
- Chapter 3. Water O’ Water!
- Chapter 4. Our First School
- Chapter 5. Chhotu’s House
- Chapter 6. Foods We Eat
- Chapter 7. Saying without Speaking
- Chapter 8. Flying High
- Chapter 9. It’s Raining
- Chapter 10. What is Cooking
- Chapter 11. From Here to There
- Chapter 12. Work We Do
- Chapter 13. Sharing Our Feelings
- Chapter 14. The Story of Food
- Chapter 15. Making Pots
- Chapter 16. Games We Play
- Chapter 17. Here comes a Letter
- Chapter 18. A House Like This
- Chapter 19. Our Friends – Animals
- Chapter 20. Drop by Drop
- Chapter 21. Families can be Different
- Chapter 22. Left-Right
- Chapter 23. A Beautiful Cloth
- Chapter 24. Web of Life
KVS 3rd Class EVS Books 2025 for हिंदी मध्यम (आस-पास)
- पाठ 1: डाल-डाल पर, ताल-ताल पर
- पाठ 2: पौधों की परी
- पाठ 3: पानी रे पानी
- पाठ 4: हमारा पहला स्कूल
- पाठ 5: छोटू का घर
- पाठ 6: खाना अपना-अपना
- पाठ 7: बिन बोले बात
- पाठ 8: पंख फैलाएँ, उड़ते जाएँ
- पाठ 9: बादल आए, बारिश लाए
- पाठ 10: पकाएँ, खाएँ
- पाठ 11: यहाँ से वहाँ
- पाठ 12: काम अपने-अपने
- पाठ 13: छूकर देखें
- पाठ 14: कहाँ से आया, किसने पकाया
- पाठ 15: आओ बनाएँ बर्तन
- पाठ 16: खेल-खेल में
- पाठ 17: चिट्ठी आई है
- पाठ 18: ऐसे भी होते है घर
- पाठ 19: हमारे साथी जानवर
- पाठ 20: बूँद-बूँद से
- पाठ 21: तरह-तरह के परिवार
- पाठ 22: दायाँ-बायाँ
- पाठ 23: कपड़ा सजा कैसे
- पाठ 24: जीवन का जाल