Download NCERT 12th Standard Hindi Sample Paper 2025 PDF with appropriate Answers Chapter by Chapter, including all Topics, at the official website…
Hindi is India’s preferred official language. In India, Hindi has been spoken as a first language by nearly 425 million people and as a second language by some 120 million more. Hindi, an ancient Indian language, remains the mother language for many in several states. It is part of the language family known as the Indo-European language family.
Even though you follow textbook content, you just need some practice to store that content in your mind. We have supplied the NCERT Hindi Sample Paper 2025 Class 12 to fulfil this wish and make your work easy. These sample papers are available in every exam style to help students score high marks in exams conducted by the board of NCERT.
The model papers provided for all 12th standard students have been prepared by the subject experts of experienced Teaching Staff of Leading Educational Institutes. According to the current studying syllabus these sample were preparing with deep analysis. The question that are appeared in sample papers are given from studying syllabus listed here.
- काव्य भाग
- आत्म-परिचय, एक गीत
- पतंग
- कविता के बहाने, बात सीधी थी पर
- कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज
- सहर्ष स्वीकारा है
- उषा
- बादल राग
- कवितावली (उत्तर कांड से), लक्ष्मण-मूच्छ और राम का विलाप
- रुबाइयाँ, गज़ल
- छोटा मेरा खेत, बगुलों के पंख
- गद्य भाग
- भक्तिन
- बाजार दर्शन
- काले मेघा पानी दे
- पहलवान की ढोलक
- चार्ली चैप्लिन यानी हम सब
- नमक
- शिरीष के फूल
- श्रम-विभाजन और जाति-प्रथा, मेरी कल्पना का आदर्श समाज
NCERT Hindi Sample Paper 2025 Class 12 | NCERT Class-12 Sample Paper 2025 Hindi |
Supported Education Boards | CBSE, KVS, JNV, IB and Some State Boards |
Class or Grade | Class -12, STD-12, Twelfth Class |
Medium | English, Hindi, Urdu |
Name of the Study Material | Sample Paper for the Hindi Language |
Type of Questions | Theory, Objective, Bits |
Official website of the Board | |
NCERT Hindi Sample Paper 2025 for Class-12
Downloading the NCERT Hindi Sample Paper 2025 Class-12 is also available for Class 12 students Studying in CBSE, KVS, JNV, and other Central Board colleges in All States and Union Territories of the country. We have provided important Chapter-wise Question Bank downloads with answers from the listed links.